Using Colour To Boost Health & Happiness

When it comes to keeping rest home residents happy and healthy, emotional wellbeing is incredibly important.

As people age certain things become more difficult. Some of these things, like mobility and eyesight, can affect the ability to do things we have done our entire life. Understandably, increased autonomy and a general sense of ease help boost and sustain mental health.

There is a lot aged care facilities can do to make it easier for residents to enjoy independence and feel more at home. Reducing the challenges and confusion that residents often feel can be addressed through the use of colour and interior design.

True colours - How tone affects mood
Want to feel relaxed and calm? Paint your room green. Want a boost in productivity? Red is your colour. A blue or purple room may leave you feeling sad or indifferent. While colour’s effect on people can vary widely, there is a lot of research linking colour and mood. It’s something interior designers tap into every time they go to work.

In aged care facilities the use of specific colours can help set the mood for each room. Activity rooms where you want residents to feel stimulated are best painted in red shades. Yellow is a mood-booster and is a great colour to use in bathrooms, so residents feel their best. A stunning green bed cover can add a sense of calm and is a great way to encourage relaxation.

Glowing terms - Not every colour works
Using colour in rest homes requires careful consideration of all residents While florals and pretty pinks on the walls may look amazing, please spare a thought for those, who may not appreciate spending their days surrounded by a rose garden!

Additionally, pinks and purples are considered stimulating colours and aren’t a good choice for rest and relaxation areas. A good way to spruce up a room without going as far as a complete colour change or full floral is to add an occasional chair. Choose a brightly coloured occasional chair and add some fun and happiness to a room.

Colour me happy - Go beyond the wall
If it’s not practical to paint a lounge room green for relaxation it can be as simple as adding some furnishings instead. The simple use of colour on beds, couches or chairs can go a long way to enhancing the quality of mood. Relaxation can come in the form of soft linens or lush fabric pillows.

Click here for more tips and tricks and a quick-boost colour guide.